Cat 345B Pack v 1.0

Viestit: 4258
Liittynyt: 12.11.2012 18:40
Olen kiinnostunut: Naisista
Kielet: suomi ja englanti
Multiplayer tunnuksesi?: Maon Fin
Erikoisosaamiseni: Testaus
Paikkakunta: Nivala

Cat 345B Pack v 1.0

Viesti Kirjoittaja Maon^ »

Cat 345B Pack v 1.0

Hello everyone, after creatating some confusion by including the Cat 345B in the pictures with my Cat 980H upload.
Due to so many requests from people about this mod i am going to upload it, Though i respect and admire the effort that the original author (Fredzaza) put into the LS11 version, i am sure he would apreciate his work being revived so that many more people in the LS community can enjoy it.
So here is the excavator and the shovel for it! You need to unzip this file and copy the two files inside into you mod folder Cat_345B & Shovel Unzip
the log file is error free (see attached picture)
Shovel capacity = 10,000 Litres
Fruits that it can handle: wheat | barley | rape | maize | potato | sugarBeet | grass_windrow | dryGrass_windrow | wheat_windrow | barley_windrow | silage | forage | chaff | manure
Porformance is good except for a shutter of the shovel when slewing or lifting quickley (if anyone knows how to make the joint more stable? please pm me)
Other than that this conversion was quite challenging and IT took me many hours to rebuild the model and rewrite the script so that all the functions work in LS13 (I now know why there have been no excavators uploaded for LS13 previously)
Controls are: Key Pad (KP)
Attach Shovel Key_q
Slew body left KP_1
Slew Body Right KP_3
Main Boom up KP_7
Main Boom down KP_4
Boom out KP_8
Boom in KP_5
Tip Shovel up KP_9
Tip Shovel down KP_6
Lights Key_f
Beacon Key_Home
Original Cat345B and Shovel author Fredzaza
Original script Fredzaza
Terra Trac script by shangri66
Beacon from Cat 966H by Tento

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